
Inside The Secret Talks Behind US-India Digital Tax Agreement 1

Inside The Secret Talks Behind US-India Digital Tax Agreement

Discover how the US and India are reshaping global tax policies with their groundbreaking digital tax extension agreement! Uncover the reasons behind this pivotal decision and how it could affect tech giants and everyday consumers alike. Dive into the details of the negotiations and learn why this move is causing

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Was Russia's S-500 System Destroyed By Ukraine's ATACMS Missiles? 1

Was Russia’s S-500 System Destroyed By Ukraine’s ATACMS Missiles?

In a dramatic development, Ukraine reportedly struck Russia’s state-of-the-art $600 million S-500 missile defense system using ATACMS missiles. This marks a significant moment in the conflict, showcasing Ukraine’s growing military capabilities and tactical boldness. If confirmed, this strike could represent a major setback for Russia, highlighting vulnerabilities in its advanced

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How Russia Is Building A Shadow Fleet To Bypass LNG Sanctions 1

How Russia Is Building A Shadow Fleet To Bypass LNG Sanctions

Russia is secretly amassing a “dark fleet” of tankers to ship its LNG, mirroring the shadow fleet it created for oil exports to dodge Western sanctions. Bloomberg reveals that obscure shipping firms from Dubai have acquired several LNG vessels, with some already approved to navigate Russia’s Arctic routes. This stealthy

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Anti-BRICS Bolivian Coup Plotters Charged With Terrorism 1

Anti-BRICS Bolivian Coup Plotters Charged With Terrorism

In a dramatic turn of events, Bolivia’s former top military leaders, General Juan Jose Zuniga and Vice Admiral Juan Arnez have been arrested for masterminding a coup attempt. Charged with terrorism and armed uprising, their plan to prevent former President Evo Morales from running in 2025 fell apart. Interior Minister

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US Diplomat Found Dead In Kyiv Hotel 1

US Diplomat Found Dead In Kyiv Hotel

A U.S. Embassy staffer was found dead in a Kyiv hotel, stirring mystery and concern. The unnamed employee, discovered at the Hilton Hotel, is believed to have died of natural causes, with no signs of foul play, according to the U.S. State Department. The incident comes amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine

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