Category: Financial Intelligence

Should State Owned Indian Banks Be Privatised?

While the entire nation was busy talking about the #JNUrow in the ongoing debate on tolerance, a very important development with major consequences to everyone in the country has seemingly gone unnoticed. US based bond rating company Moody’s Investor Service cautioned the Indian government that if it did not boost

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FDI Series Part II: Evolution Of Western FDI In Retail

In the first part of this FDI Series we saw how after the collapse of the US economy in 2008, the Dubai Economic Miracle experiment was hatched to get rid of the Dubai FLU via Foreign Direct Investment in India routed through the tax-havens; whereby the Nathan Mayer Rothschild Group

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Fundamentals Of Economics Neglected In Indian Education System

Ex1 – Ex2 = In1 – In2 The mathematical equation you are viewing is probably one of the most feared one in the world—so feared in fact that it led to the removal of this famous American economist Irving Fisher’s theories from economics text-books in India since liberalization. The simplicity

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FDI Series – Part I Foreign Countries Dictating India

A bizarre Saga of bankrupt western economies and their multinational business houses’ incredulous and laughable economic plan to Develop Indian Retail sector at the expense of their economics with non existing FDI from their phony FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors) Operation Mountbatten – Reoccupation of Whole of India in 60 years

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India’s Unique Market And The Rise Of The West

The industrial revolution and subsequent mechanization of industry and militaries needed a staging and testing ground. India and other countries of East Asia offered the best solution. For now, we provide one elementary picture of the course of things. We urge the readers of GreatGameIndia to construct others. One of

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HSBC Bank : Secret Origins To 26/11 Mumbai Attacks

Tracking the East India Company origins of HSBC Bank to the role of Secret Societies, opium smuggling and funding terrorist attacks. Contents: Swiss Leaks HSBC Bank’s East India Company Origins Role of Secret Societies Afghan Opium for Bankers and Terrorists HSBC Bank & 26/11 Mumbai Attacks 1 Swiss Leaks Swiss

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