Financial Intelligence

Russia To Seize ‘Naughty’ Western Companies

RT reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, discussed plans to seize ‘naughty’ Western companies. Putin is hitting back in retaliation after Western governments have frozen some $300 billion in Russian central bank assets since the Ukraine war began. The Russian

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Arabella Advisors – The Clinton Dark Money Network

Arabella Advisors is often referred to as “The Clinton Dark Money Network” and has incubated the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the New Venture Fund, the Hopewell Fund, and the Windward Fund. Arabella Advisors is a Washington, D.C.-based for-profit consulting company that advises left-leaning donors and nonprofits about where to give money and

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Dutch Banks Fail To Freeze Russian Assets Due To Typos

A study conducted by the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), the Dutch Central Bank, has revealed that Dutch banks fail to freeze Russian assets due to typos. A third of Dutch financial institutions are unable to trace and freeze blacklisted Russian assets due to translation errors in account owners’ surnames, undermining

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China’s BRI Has Fundamentally Transformed Global Geopolitics

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), announced by President Xi Jinping in Astana, Kazakhstan, in September 2013, has fundamentally transformed global geopolitics. Even organizations with a Western perspective, such as the London-based Center for Economic and Business Research, acknowledge its impact. It is important to recognize that the US/NATO proxy

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Saudi Arabia Pens $5.6 Billion Deal To Develop Evs With China

In a significant development, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment signed a $5.6 billion deal with a Shanghai-based electric vehicle company to develop EVs (Electric Vehicles). At an Arab-China business conference in Riyadh over the weekend, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment signed a $5.6 billion deal with Shanghai-based electric vehicle (EV)

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