Why India’s Investment In Russian Hydrocarbons Is Win-Win

Why India’s Investment In Russian Hydrocarbons Is Win-Win 1

The two countries have developed a relationship amid the geopolitical storm. India’s investment in Russian hydrocarbons is a win-win situation, providing India with energy security and giving Russia a stable market, promoting technology transfer. Russia and India are at a pivotal point in the geopolitical tremors that have arisen since the beginning of the conflict […]

Iraqi Parliament Calling To Ditch US Dollar For Oil Trade

Iraqi Parliament Calling To Ditch US Dollar For Oil Trade 1

The Finance Committee of the Iraqi Parliament stated that they are calling to ditch the US dollar for oil trade. To thwart US sanctions on the Iraqi banking system, the Finance Committee of the Iraqi parliament started on January 31st, urging the sale of oil in currencies other than the US dollar. “The US Treasury […]

Inside Florida’s Billionaires Bunkers Island

Inside Florida's Billionaires Bunkers Island 1

Indian Creek in Florida has earned the moniker ‘Billionaire Bunkers Island’ due to its seclusion and the presence of a private security team. Even wealthy people can no longer afford to live on the island because residents are being priced out by people like Jeff Bezos of Amazon, a local historian told Bloomberg. “Only the […]

France, Germany To Fund India’s Urban Infra Mission

France and Germany will fund India’s urban infrastructure mission after the nations’ previous cooperation on the CITIIS 2.0 program. According to people with knowledge of the situation, India is in negotiations with Germany’s KfW Bank and France’s AFD development agency about a €100 million loan to support the nation’s urban infrastructure plan or AMRUT project. […]

Who Are America’s Most Popular CEOs?

CEO approval ratings, collected by the professional social network Blind, reveal who the most popular CEOs in America are What opinions do workers at the biggest American corporations have about the leadership? Pallavi Rao and Marcus Lu of Visual Capitalist use CEO approval ratings collected by the professional social network Blind to illustrate their response. […]

Bankers Start Committing Suicide As China Starts Hunting

Bankers have started committing suicide as China begins to hunt down corruption in the financial system, with at least 96 cadres being investigated for corrupt practices. Numerous bank officials have either committed suicide or passed away unexpectedly, according to state media, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to purify its banking system. Wang Shengyong, […]

Iran’s ‘Desert Gold’ Supplies Running Dry

Iran’s saffron, also called ‘desert gold’ supplies, are running dry, which producers and traders say is due to shifting weather patterns and water scarcity. Due to a bad crop in Iran, the world’s largest source of saffron, there is a shortage of the spice on the market, according to a Financial Times story published on […]

German Car Industry Could Be Sold To Сhina

Maksim Oreshkin, the economic advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that the German car industry could be sold to China and cease to be European cars. The top economic advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Maksim Oreshkin, told Expert magazine in an interview that was published on Tuesday that China is quickly gaining market […]

Cargo Owners Consider Airfreight Alternative To Red Sea Shipping Delays

Facing drone and missile threats in the Red Sea, cargo owners consider airfreight a swift alternative to shipping delays. Global companies are rushing to shift some ocean freight to airlines because they don’t know how long the Red Sea shipping issue will endure and because there won’t be enough vessels for the export rush before […]

Western Companies Suffered Losses Of More Than $100 Billion After Leaving Russia

According to research conducted by The New York Times, Western companies suffered losses of more than $100 billion after leaving Russia. The New York Times said on Sunday that Western corporations that declared their exit from Russia after Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine began in 2022 lost more than $103 billion. According to the […]