Coronavirus COVID19

Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

A secret US State Department cable that saw Coronavirus crisis coming was leaked by Wikileaks providing a fleeting inside-look at Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative. While the document’s State Department senders designated the cable “SECRET/NOFORN” (no foreign nationals) and marked it for de-classification in 2019, Wikileaks made it public a decade

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Bill Gates Has Been Stockpiling Food In Basement For Pandemic

Bill Gates Has Been Stockpiling Food In Basement For Pandemic

Anxious about a potential pandemic, Bill Gates has been stockpiling food in his basement. During an interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, Melinda Gates, the wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, revealed that the couple worried about how they would obtain water and food if a crisis such as the

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Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier – Another Key To COVID-19 Investigation

Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier – Another Key To COVID-19 Investigation

Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier is a controversial figure in the field of Viroscience. He created world’s deadliest virus strain and his research sparked a global controversy to de-fund and shutdown such experiments. Experts have raised concerns legally that such experiments could not only lead to a global pandemic but could

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Sunlight Kills Coronavirus - US Dept Of Homeland Security Study

Sunlight Kills Coronavirus – US Dept Of Homeland Security Study

Preliminary results from a study by the US Department of Homeland Security has shown that Sunlight kills Coronavirus. Lab experiments showed that the coronavirus does not survive long in high temperatures and high humidity, and is quickly destroyed by sunlight, providing evidence from controlled tests. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole

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Two Chinese Doctors Turn Black After Recovering From COVID-19

Two Chinese Doctors Turn Black After Recovering From COVID-19

Two Chinese doctors who fell critically ill with coronavirus found their skin had changed colour after surviving the deadly illness. The two doctors’ skin turned dark due to a type of medicine they were given during the early stages of their treatment. One of the drug’s side effects is the

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Nobel Prize Winner French Virologist Confirm COVID-19 HIV Study

Nobel Prize Winner French Virologist Confirm COVID-19 HIV Study

In a major development Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Prize winning French virologist has confirmed the study conducted by Indian scientists concluding that COVID-19 was engineered with HIV (AIDS) like insertions. Readers of GreatGameIndia would remember that after we published the results of the study, it attracted heavy criticism from social

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Coronavirus & The Deep State - Unitaid, Gilead Sciences & WuXi AppTech

Coronavirus & The Deep State – UNITAID, Gilead Sciences & WuXi AppTech

This investigation by GreatGameIndia uncovers the Deep State collaborations between American and Chinese biotechs at the forefront of Coronavirus vaccine development – marketed worldwide by an entity funded by Bill Gates and Clinton initiative called UNITAID. WuXi AppTec’s partnership with Gilead Sciences in 2015 opens a window into the inner

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COVID-19 Infections Subside In 70 Days Irrespective Of Lockdown

STUDY: COVID-19 Infections Subside In 70 Days Irrespective Of Lockdown

Results of a shocking new Israeli study showed that COVID-19 infections subsided in 70 days irrespective of whether the country went into lockdown or remained open. A prominent Israeli mathematician, analyst, former general and Chairman of the Israeli Space Agency claims simple statistical analysis demonstrates that the spread of COVID-19

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