Breaking: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Rise In Neurological Deaths – Study

Breaking: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Rise In Neurological Deaths - Study 1

A recent study using CDC data has uncovered a worrying trend: a significant increase in deaths from neurological diseases among young adults aged 15-44 in the United States. The study, conducted by Phinance Technologies, highlights a sharp rise in deaths where neurological conditions were either the primary cause or a contributing factor, especially from 2020 […]

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Why Some People Are COVID-Proof

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Why Some People Are COVID-Proof 1

Groundbreaking research, published in Nature in April 2023, reveals why certain individuals remain COVID-19-proof despite exposure, attributing it to subdued and rapid immunological responses observed in asymptomatic cases. You can read the original here. Researchers now know why some individuals never get infected with COVID-19, even after being exposed to it in their nasal cavities. […]

Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer Over Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Claims

Kansas Attorney General Sues Pfizer Over Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Claims 1

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer over alleged false claims regarding the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine. The lawsuit targets misleading marketing practices and violations of the state’s Consumer Protection Act. Attorney General Kris Kobach launched a civil complaint against pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer on Monday, stating that “Pfizer […]

Los Angeles City Council Repeals COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate

Los Angeles City Council Repeals COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate 1

Los Angeles City Council repealed the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for municipal employees by a 13-0 vote on Tuesday, allowing affected employees to reapply for their positions. You can read the original article here. By a vote of 13-0 on Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council repealed the city’s ordinance mandating that municipal employees receive the […]

Fauci Transcript From Closed-Door Testimony

Fauci Transcript From Closed-Door Testimony 1

Brad Wenstrup, chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, released Dr. Anthony Fauci’s transcript today, detailing his 14-hour testimony on COVID-19 policies and responses. The interview transcript with Dr. Anthony Fauci was made public today by Brad Wenstrup, the chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (R-Ohio). During the COVID-19 epidemic, […]

Fauci Claims Unvaccinated Responsible For Additional 200-300k Deaths

Fauci Claims Unvaccinated Responsible For Additional 200-300k Deaths 1

During his hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic at Capitol Hill, Fauci claimed the unvaccinated were responsible for an additional 200-300k deaths. Disgraced physician Dr. Anthony Fauci asserted during his Monday hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that hundreds of thousands of Americans had died as a […]

How A Study Linking COVID Vaccines To Cancer Was Forced To Retract By The University

How A Study Linking COVID Vaccines To Cancer Was Forced To Retract By The University 1

A study by Dr. Hui Jiang and Dr. Ya-Fang Mei linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer was retracted by Stockholm University amid controversy over the retraction’s reasons and alleged external pressure from concerned scientists and public backlash. The co-author of a paper indicating that the spike protein from both the COVID-19 virus and the COVID injections […]

Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci’s Agency Through Secret Third-Party Royalties During Pandemic Years

Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci’s Agency Through Secret Third-Party Royalties During Pandemic Years 1

During the pandemic, pharmaceutical companies paid $690 million in secret third-party royalties to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, revealing significant conflicts of interest within the agency. During the pandemic, payments from private pharmaceutical companies under murky licensing and royalty schemes exploded to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency and colleagues. The public in America began to sense that […]

Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci’s Agency During Pandemic

Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci's Agency During Pandemic 1

New data from the National Institutes of Health has revealed that Big Pharma paid $690 million to Fauci’s agency during the pandemic. The American people began to sense that Big Government was cozying up to Big Pharma during the pandemic. We can now clearly see how near they were. During the pandemic, from late 2021 […]

Fauci Admits He Made Up COVID Guidelines Based On Mere Assumptions, Not Science

Fauci Admits He Made Up COVID Guidelines Based On Mere Assumptions, Not Science 1

During an interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci admitted he made up COVID guidelines based on mere assumptions, not science. Former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci has acknowledged that some of the strictest COVID-19 recommendations, such as social separation and child masking, lacked supporting […]