
Rise Of World's Debt-Laden 'Zombie' Companies 1

Rise Of World’s Debt-Laden ‘Zombie’ Companies

According to an Associated Press investigation, the number of the world’s debt-laden ‘zombie’ companies has risen, and they will have to pay off $1.1 trillion in loans by year-end. The number of publicly traded “zombie” companies—those with debt so high they can’t even afford the interest on their loans—has increased

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HSBC Believes That $22 Billion Byju’s Is Now Worth Zero 1

HSBC Believes That $22 Billion Byju’s Is Now Worth Zero

HSBC, in a recent assessment of the company, revealed that it believes the $22 billion Byju’s is now worth zero, citing financial mismanagement, missed sales targets, governance issues, and the exit of key auditors and board members. In a recent research report, HSBC calculated that the $22 billion valuation of

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New Whistleblowers Say ‘Boeing Is Producing Ticking Timebombs' 1

New Whistleblowers Say ‘Boeing Is Producing Ticking Timebombs’

Recent whistleblowers at Boeing and its subcontractors raise concerns about airplane safety, following the deaths of two colleagues who spoke out. Following the unexpected deaths of two of their colleagues who had also gone public, whistleblowers at Boeing and one of its subcontractors continue to express their worries about airplane

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Who Is Buying The $12 Billion Saudi Aramco Shares? 1

Who Is Buying The $12 Billion Saudi Aramco Shares?

Saudi Aramco’s $12 billion share sale last Sunday, selling 1.545 billion shares at 26.70-29 riyals each, saw immediate success, attracting keen interest from global investors. In a filing with the Saudi Exchange last week, Saudi Aramco (ARMCO), the country’s largest energy corporation, announced its intention to sell shares in the

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How Much Does It Cost To Train AI Models? 1

How Much Does It Cost To Train AI Models?

Training AI models like Google’s Gemini Ultra, costing $191 million, and OpenAI’s GPT-4, costing $78.4 million, is becoming increasingly expensive, as shown in Stanford’s 2024 AI Index Report. Millions of dollars are needed, and the expense of training sophisticated AI models like Google’s Gemini Ultra and OpenAI’s ChatGPT is rising

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Here Is Why Sam Altman Was Suddenly Fired From OpenAI 1

Here Is Why Sam Altman Was Suddenly Fired From OpenAI

Helen Toner, a former board member of OpenAI, stated on “The TED AI Show” podcast that the reason why Sam Altman was suddenly fired from OpenAI was due to repeated instances of withholding information, misrepresentation, and even lying to the board. Helen Toner, a former board member of OpenAI who

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Here's Why The Biggest Beneficiary Of Boeing’s Downfall Is China 1

Here’s Why The Biggest Beneficiary Of Boeing’s Downfall Is China

Amid Boeing’s challenges, China’s Comac rises as a prominent beneficiary, positioning itself to potentially surpass the American aviation giant. To fulfill the growing domestic demand for passenger jets, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, or Comac, intends to increase its manufacturing capacity. This expansion comes at the same time that

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