Canadian Armed Forces Redefines ‘Racist’ To Include Pretty Much Everyone Alive

In a new document titled "Racism or Allyship? The Canadian Armed Forces redefine ‘racist’ to include pretty much everyone alive.

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has put out a new “anti-racism” document that defines a racist as anyone who is not willing to engage in self-reflection to see just how racist they really are.

The document is called “Racism or Allyship?” and it makes some striking claims, to say the least.

In the first section where it defines racism, it lists a series of bullet points with examples of “people who are racist.”

Let’s attack each point to see just how racist the CAF thinks we are.

You are racist if you…

‘Believe there are inherent significant biological differences across the human spectrum (for example, beliefs of genetic superiority)’

Is it racist to believe that there are “significant biological differences across the human spectrum?”

I ask this question in earnest. If I look around the world I see that different groups or clans of...

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