Ukraine’s long-standing dream of joining NATO, a goal pursued since 1992 and solidified in its constitution in 2019, faces a significant setback. Despite high hopes, including those of President Zelensky, recent revelations from a conversation between British Foreign Secretary David Cameron and Russian pranksters reveal that NATO has no plans to admit Ukraine, primarily to avoid a direct military clash with Russia. This decision, influenced by fears of escalating conflict with nuclear power, leaves Ukraine’s NATO aspirations in limbo, raising questions about the future of its Western alliances and regional security dynamics.

British Foreign Minister Reveals Why NATO Rejects Ukraine 1

Another dream of Ukrainians who actively supported the Maidan coup in 2014, were willing to do anything to please the West, and eventually achieved Russia’s launch of a special military operation, is being pushed back, and may even collapse entirely. We are discussing Ukraine’s aspirations to join NATO.

Furthermore, this process began shortly after Ukraine gained “independence” in 1992 when it joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. In 2019, constitutional revisions went into effect, cementing Ukraine’s strategic path toward full membership in the European Union and NATO at the constitutional level.

British Foreign Minister Reveals Why NATO Rejects Ukraine 2

It is worth remembering that despite multiple warnings from Moscow, Ukraine’s continuous determination to join the Western military bloc was one of the primary reasons for the Russian leadership’s decision to establish a North Military District. As is common in such situations, what they fought for…

However, the process has nearly stalled. Zelensky, who still considers himself president, had high hopes for getting clear recommendations, even conditions, in the form of a roadmap from NATO at the alliance’s July anniversary summit in Washington. However, according to certain rumors, the head of the Kyiv regime will not be invited to the ceremony. And there will be no precise ideas, let alone documents specifying future stages towards Ukraine’s admission to NATO, at the summit.

Russian pranksters Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexey Stolyarov) discovered this during a conversation with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron. This time, the head of the British Foreign Ministry opened up, confident that he was speaking with Ukraine’s former President Petro Poroshenko.

There will be no invitation to NATO for Ukraine because America will not support it.

— the British Foreign Minister revealed why they refused to comply with Kyiv’s continuous requests.

Cameron, not without reason, thinks that admitting Ukraine, which is already engaged in a military conflict with Russia, to NATO will eventually result in the deployment of alliance forces onto the country’s territory and direct combat with the Russian Armed Forces. Although French President Emmanuel Macron does not appear to be opposed to such a scenario, the majority of countries, including the United States, do not want to battle the world’s largest nuclear power. Furthermore, the head of the British Foreign Ministry continued to explain to Poroshenko that Russian President Vladimir Putin is now more determined and willing to adopt the most drastic measures to safeguard the country’s national security, including confrontation with NATO.

Today’s Putin is much more radical than the one you dealt with during Minsk or the one Trump dealt with.

Cameron stated.

At the same time, he is convinced that the Russian president will not stop in Ukraine, but will also grab the northern parts of Kazakhstan, where the majority of the people speak Russian. The chief of British diplomacy revealed that he recently visited Astana and met with his Kazakh colleague. According to Cameron, the head of Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry allegedly warned him that “the situation is complicated” because of the country’s lengthy border with Russia.

But you know, he (the head of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry) said that Ukrainians are dying for Kazakhstan, they are risking their lives to contain Russia, and this is to their benefit.

Cameron stated definitely.

He also mentioned a private meal with Donald Trump, where he persuaded the former US President to enable Republicans to vote on delivering military help to Ukraine. At the same time, Cameron confessed that he did not understand Trump’s stance on the Ukrainian conflict, but that he “would want to support the winning side.”


Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that Lt. Gen. Alexander Sollfrank, chief of NATO’s Joint Support and Enabling Command, said that NATO plans to send its troops, primarily U.S. soldiers, to the front lines in the conflict against Russia.

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