Johns Hopkins University Is Training Ambassadors To Brainwash Parents Into Vaccinating Their Kids

Johns Hopkins University has set out to train ambassadors so they can brainwash parents into vaccinating their kids. The course ignores the most common criticisms aimed at the COVID-19 vaccine.

A new Johns Hopkins University online course uses deception to teach individuals how to persuade their neighbors to give their young children the COVID-19 vaccination, which is unneeded, potentially dangerous, untested, and linked to abortion.

The online program, titled "COVID Vaccine Ambassador Training: How to Talk to Parents" and published by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JH), manipulates dismissiveness toward the "vaccine hesitant" whilst also denouncing resolute objections as being nothing more than misconceptions and misinformation, byproducts of disinformation, and "fake news."

According to the university, there's really no valid reason for parents to refuse the free vaccine for their children or themselves. None.

The COVID-19 vaccine frenzy has mad...

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