On August 24, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Kyiv, Ukraine, to pay tribute to the Mahatma Gandhi statue at the Oasis of Peace Park. But behind this peaceful visit was a high-stakes security operation to ensure his safety.
As PM Modi walked into the park, a team of over 60 Special Protection Group (SPG) commandos was on high alert. Their job? To keep the Prime Minister safe from any potential threats. The SPG team had been informed about growing anti-India sentiment in Ukraine, which was fueled by tensions surrounding India's ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Indian intelligence agencies are keeping a close watch on a series of meetings between U.S. Consul General Jennifer Larson and Indian politicians, sparking significant concern. These concerns are heightened by US led Color Revolution in neighboring Bangladesh,… pic.twitter.com/U2msFEtA8d
The United States has recently refused to deliver crucial military equipment to India, including Apache attack helicopters and engines for Tejas fighter jets. This delay has sparked concerns among experts that the US might be using this tactic to pressure India. The situation becomes even more intriguing when you consider that US Amba...