How Vaccine Messaging Confused the Public

How Vaccine Messaging Confused the Public

Pivotal randomized control trials (RCTs) underpinning approval of Covid-19 vaccines did not set out to, and did not, test if the vaccines prevent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Nor did the trials test if the vaccines reduce mortality risk. A review of seven phase III trials, including those for Moderna,

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Did Canada Train Ukraine Neo Nazis?

Did Canada Train Ukraine Neo Nazis?

Although the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have rejected supplying instruction to members of Ukraine’s fascist militias on numerous occasions, a few images have surfaced casting doubt on this prospect. This begs the question, did Canada train Ukraine neo nazis?

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EU Is Now Military Arm Of NATO

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that EU has changed its stance toward Russia because of western countries and is now acting as the military arm of NATO.

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