Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Your Body By 2030

Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Your Body By 2030

It was not until 1981 when microscopes capable of seeing individual atoms were produced. They gave a boost to the concept of nanotechnology. Since then, the field has seen massive advancements to the point that now experts claim that nanobots will be flowing through your body by 2030.

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Biden Creates DARPA For Health - ARPA-H

Biden Creates DARPA For Health – ARPA-H

Joe Biden has created a DARPA for health, namely ARPA-H. When looking at the “Authorities needed by ARPA-H” as mentioned in the Fact Sheet, it is clear that the agency will have a lot of control over its initiatives.

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WATCH: Uterus Shedding Cases Spike After COVID Vaccine Rollout

Several physicians like Dr. Christiane Northrup are concerned that there may be a lot more information about reproductive damage which has yet to be revealed. This comes off the back of a major peer-reviewed study revealing that menstrual irregularities and uterus shedding cases have spiked after the COVID vaccine rollout.

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