China’s Role In Ukraine War A Threat To NATO

China’s Role In Ukraine War A Threat To NATO

During remarks on Wednesday, the civilian head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) slammed China as a “challenge” to the alliance. In an interview with Reuters, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Beijing’s support for the war in Ukraine, its opposition to NATO expansion, and its territorial claims justify the alliance

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It Was Politics That Drove The Science

It Was Politics That Drove ‘The Science’

Most academic scientists spend a lot of time writing grants that have very little chance of being funded. Because the funding environment is so competitive, many scientists feel pressure to emphasize the most positive, sensational results they can produce. Some academic scientists take this too far, by ignoring conflicting results

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The Architecture Of The Metaverse

The Architecture Of The Metaverse

It is proposed that the metaverse creates virtual spaces where people from all over the world can meet and share their experiences. So far, this is the architecture of the metaverse.

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