Alarming pronouncements from prominent figures have sparked public concern about a potential bird flu pandemic. Media coverage intensifies the anxieties, while government actions like testing mandates and unclear responses from officials further fuel public suspicion.

Are They Manufacturing The Bird Flu Pandemic? 1

The coverage of Bird Flu is becoming increasingly pervasive, making it challenging to keep up with the numerous hot takes and chilling insights. The best place to stay informed is right here, where similar articles in various papers are thoroughly examined, all discussing the imminent danger of a pandemic.

In the last bird flu update, it was highlighted that the reported “bird flu death” in Mexico was likely misreported, mirroring the approach used during the COVID-19 pandemic. Following this, the head of Mexico’s Health Ministry criticized the WHO for labeling it as a bird flu death.

Are They Manufacturing The Bird Flu Pandemic? 2

The major development in bird flu news is the former head of the US CDC, Robert Redfield, expressing significant concern and telling NewsNation:

I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time, it’s not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic.”

Naturally, this story gained popularity and went far and wide, but Redfield is by no means alone in his frenzied, panic-inducing madness.

The Conversation’s headline from last week was:

An ounce of prevention: Now is the time to take action on H5N1 avian flu, because the stakes are enormous

USA Today adopts the same tone:

Concerns grow as ‘gigantic’ bird flu outbreak runs rampant in US dairy herds

It appears that Americans “have little to no pre-existing immunity to the H5N1 avian flu,” according to a recent study, which is frightening. Frightening stuff.

The Daily Mail published a story a few hours ago about yet another doctor issuing a grim warning. This time, PBS was informed by Dr. Rick Bright that:

We’re being blindfolded in this battle right now, and I’m really concerned that the virus is winning the game and getting ahead of us.’

It’s getting ahead of us and we’re flying blind! The stakes are very high and it’s spreading like wildfire!

The fear is also being pushed by certain channels that are supposed to know better.

“We aren’t doing enough about the risk of bird flu – but we can,” CNN says in a panicked tone. After posing the somewhat somber question, “Can we prevent a bird flu pandemic in humans?” Popular Science reassures us that we can—as long as everyone follows instructions.

These tales are all about “flying blind,” “gathering data,” and the necessity of “prevention.” And that’s all just code for “testing,” basically. Nearly all of the articles emphasize the necessity of doing more testing on both humans and animals.

However, since 2020, those who have paid attention have known that PCR tests create data rather than collect it. These are “case-generating” machines. They can be used to create pandemics, far from stopping them.

There are even indications that testing may become mandatory in the future, as seen by this Politico piece lamenting the dearth of farmers who willingly enlist in government monitoring schemes:

The federal response is largely focusing on voluntary efforts by farmers to help track and contain the outbreak. But many farms still have not signed up for USDA efforts to boost surveillance and testing for the virus.

And more money is the answer to this:

Although federal funds have been allocated, no farms have enrolled in voluntary on-site milk testing, according to the USDA. Fewer than a dozen farms have applied for separate financial aid in exchange for boosting biosecurity measures to help contain the virus.

Reusing COVID-19 as a marketing tool also involves paying farmers to test their animals. It will lead to cases, which will lead to culling, which brings us to the second part of “bird flu”—”the war on food,” not “the next pandemic.”

As the purported illness reportedly moves from poultry farms to dairy farms, an increasing number of hens are being killed and cows are being butchered. Soon, when governments begin paying farmers to kill their animals, this will get much worse.

Once more, from Politico:

…federal rulemaking is delaying the rollout of compensation for farmers who have lost or had to kill cows because of the disease.


They want to pay farmers to test their cows, then “financially compensate” them when they have to be destroyed.

This is similar to the US “Conservation Reserve Program” and the UK’s “Environmental Land Management” programs, which both compensate farmers to stop farming. Making it more profitable for farmers to kill their cows than to milk them is the aim.

Encouraging experimentation and praising successful outcomes. That’s how you destroy the food system and create the appearance of a pandemic.

There is some positive news: the EU is already procuring 40 million doses of vaccines as a precaution. Additionally, Moderna’s stock price continues to rise.

It’s akin to watching a movie where the “surprise” twist ending is hinted at within the first five minutes, followed by two long hours of what the writers consider to be subtle foreshadowing.

It’s reaching a point where a swift resolution to the anticipated pandemic seems preferable.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported on former CDC Director Robert Redfield’s prediction of an inevitable bird flu pandemic. He emphasized the potential for a man-made crisis, citing research on enhancing the virus’s infectiousness in humans.

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