App Let Owner Drive Away In Wrong Tesla

A man in Vancouver, Canada was somehow able to get into someone else’s Tesla Model 3 and drive off with it only by using the Tesla app in his own phone. Rajesh Randev told Global News he thought he was getting into his own Tesla since the car he took was the same color as his.

When Randev was getting into what he thought was his car, there were two nearly identical Model 3s parked side by side, he explained to Global News. He added that he was in a hurry to pick up his kids from school, so he inadvertently unlocked the wrong Tesla and drove off.

I get it, we’ve all been in a rush before and nearly walked up to the wrong car. However, I’d say it’s pretty rare that you can open a car that isn’t yours, and be able to drive away — at least in these modern times.

“Apparently I found some glitch,” Randev said to Global News.

He didn’t realize his colossal oopsie until he was driving. That’s when he noticed a crack on the car’s windshield — something his own Model 3 didn’t have. Randev called his wife to ask if maybe she noticed a crack, but she didn’t… since it wasn’t their car. On top of that, Randev said he noticed the car’s charging cable wasn’t where he usually kept it.

Following reports of steering wheels detaching from the steering column while driving, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has initiated yet another investigation into Tesla’s Model Y SUV.

If you’re curious to delve deeper into the topic, read more about it here.

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