The Chief Minister of an Indian state of Uttarakhand recently made a sensational statement claiming that America ruled India for 200 years. Tirath Singh Rawat, had made the statement where he mixed the British Empire with the U.S.A.
He was recently in limelight on social media as he made his controversial 'ripped jeans' comment. And, this time he has made a statement in his speech where he said:
"America, which had enslaved us for 200 years...who ruled over the whole world, where the sun would never shaken today (in the backdrop of Coronavirus)."
Clearly, it seems he mixed British Empire with the United States in his speech. Asian News International released a video of this speech.
ANI tweeted the video with a caption reading '#WATCH "...As opposed to other countries, India is doing better in terms of handling #COVID19 crisis. America, who enslaved us for 200 years and ruled the world, is struggling in current times," says Uttarakhand CM Tirath Singh Rawat...