After GGI Exposed Cruel Beagle Experiment Scandal, Fauci Caught In Cover-Up

After GGI exposed the cruel beagle experiment scandal, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene confronted Dr. Fauci in 2021 about NIAID-funded tests, uncovering a cover-up involving NIH database removals and false funding claims.

After GGI Exposed Cruel Beagle Experiment Scandal, Fauci Caught In Cover-Up 1

After a 2021 investigation series by the group White Coat Waste Project, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene last week diverted from questioning Anthony Fauci about COVID-19 to confront him with pictures of beagles that had been used in animal testing experiments that were reportedly funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

After GGI Exposed Cruel Beagle Experiment Scandal, Fauci Caught In Cover-Up 2

We should be recommending you to be prosecuted,” Greene told Fauci. “We should be writing a criminal referral because you should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. You belong in prison,” she continued, adding “That man does not deserve to have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in prison.”

This brought up a ball of worms that included a statement from White Coat Waste and led Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post to investigate “Beaglegage” in-depth in an attempt to disprove Greene.

When we first saw Greene hold up the photo, we figured this would be easy to debunk â€” another in a string of misleading attacks against Fauci, who became the public face of the government’s response to the pandemic.

-Washington Post

Only to learn that the experiment, which used beagles 6 to 8 months old that were taken from the kennels of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis, appeared to have been funded by false claims made by the NIH. The beagles in the experiment were put under anesthesia before being exposed to hundreds of starving sandflies for a full day. This exposure occurred during a study on zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL), a disease that can afflict both people and canines and is spread by sandflies.

After GGI Exposed Cruel Beagle Experiment Scandal, Fauci Caught In Cover-Up 3

GreatGameIndia reported on the White Coat Waste report:

In late October 2021, CNN asked Fauci to appear for an interview, and one of his staff members suggested late on Oct. 24 that Fauci pause any TV interviews “until we get a handle on this.” Early the next morning, Fauci emailed 12 officials and asked them to “tell me what grant or contract they are referring to.” Within two hours, one replied that they might have identified the grant. (Most staff members’ names are redacted.)

“Let us find out for sure if it is that grant, and then let us take a look at what the experimental design is, and importantly whether it has received the appropriate ethical and animal care consideration,” Fauci replied in an email. “I want this done right away since we are getting bombarded by protests.”

Within two hours, one of the researchers involved, Abhay Satoskar, a professor of pathology and microbiology at Ohio State University, emailed to say that NIAID had been mistakenly cited as a funder of the study and that he would seek a correction from the journal. One NIAID official wrote in an email that Satoskar “stated that it was mistakenly cited because he was not clear of the true purpose of US funding acknowledgment” and that the program in question had been funded only by the Pasteur Institute.

But the stuff you’ve seen on social media barely scratches the surface as we have reported before Dr Anthony Fauci has been abusing animals for 40 years.

The study disappears from the database

Following the story’s 2021 publication, the NIH removed it from its database and provided false information to WaPo:

When The Post reported on the controversy in November 2021, the article noted: “The trapped-beagles study does not appear in a database of NIH-funded projects.” The emails show that, while it was removed before the publication of The Post article, the study had been listed in the database for months and was still listed as of the previous month, when Fauci first asked about the controversy.

“We need that to be corrected too, ASAP please,” one NIH staffer wrote on Oct. 27. The anxiety level rose as officials realized it would take several days, until Nov. 1, before the project would be removed from the database — where reporters could not then find it.


Furthermore, in a 2021 statement, the NIH insisted that they had not provided funding for the contentious sand fly experiment and had instead supported a different vaccine study conducted in Tunisia.

However, it is revealed through internal NIH letters that they lacked any independent evidence beyond the chief investigator’s claim that NIH did not finance the contentious study.

In the meantime, other records that White Coat Waste was able to get show that their pretext on the safer Beagle experiment was also a hoax!

Finally, other documents obtained by White Coat Waste suggest the Tunisia study funded by NIH was not as benign as the agency suggested. Instead of an “enclosed open space,” the study’s grant application shows a photograph that indicated that the dogs were kept in a cage as they were “exposed to sand fly bites each night through the sand fly season to ensure transmission.” The grant application also described how, separately, dogs would be sedated and placed in cages for two hours while they were exposed to 15 to 30 female sand flies.

After GGI Exposed Cruel Beagle Experiment Scandal, Fauci Caught In Cover-Up 4

This is WaPo’s main conclusion:

The emails show that NIH was not fully transparent as it tried to handle a public-relations nightmare. Perhaps there was little reason to doubt Satoskar, but officials embraced his explanation without confirming as they rushed out a statement. They made no acknowledgment that they had removed the study from the NIH grant database or that the editor of the journal that quickly issued the correction had a potential conflict of interest. Moreover, the NIH study in Tunisia that the agency said it funded was cast in a positive light that is undermined by the grant application that has since been made public.

We find the National Health Institute to be untrustworthy, but what can we say?

This is not the end of the experiments conducted by Fauci on animals, as we at GreatGameIndia have reported before. One such curious research was conducted by the NIH division led by Dr. Fauci, which involved creating transgender monkeys. The experiment aimed to study the correlation between the HIV virus and transgender women

Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose Dr Fauci’s secret island of monkeys procured for bizarre experiments involving injecting monkeys with various kinds of infectious diseases such as Lassa and the Ebola virus which led to hemorrhaging, pain, brain damage, and loss of motor control and organ failure among multitudes of other things.

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