Search Results for: Russia

Hungary And Slovakia Threaten Ukraine For Blocking Russian Oil 1

Hungary And Slovakia Threaten Ukraine For Blocking Russian Oil

Hungary and Slovakia are in a heated clash with Ukraine over a new ban on Russian oil that they fear will disrupt their energy supplies. The EU is stepping in to mediate, as Budapest and Bratislava warn that Ukraine’s move could severely impact their oil imports. Hungary is even threatening

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How Russia Will Respond To American Weapons In Germany 1

How Russia Will Respond To American Weapons In Germany

Germany may host US long-range missiles by 2026, sparking fears of a new arms race with Russia, which threatens to deploy its own nuclear missiles in response. As tensions escalate, Germany’s Alternative for Germany party is pushing for urgent discussions, while experts warn of a potential European crisis reminiscent of

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Dear Sadanand Dhume - The India-Russia Relationship Is More Than Meets The Eye 1

Dear Sadanand Dhume – The India-Russia Relationship Is More Than Meets The Eye

The Alt-Media Community would greatly benefit if more of its members drew attention to the role that the Russian-Indian Strategic Partnership plays in keeping Sino-US bi-multipolarity at bay and turbocharging tri-multipolarity processes with a view towards jointly midwifing complex multipolarity. Wall Street Journal opinion columnist Sadanand Dhume just published a

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Trump-Russia Hoax Peddler's Wife Turns Out To Be Foreign Spy 1

Trump-Russia Hoax Peddler’s Wife Turns Out To Be Foreign Spy

Max Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and senior foreign policy expert, has been indicted for spying for South Korea. According to the charges, Terry traded sensitive U.S. intelligence and influence over American policies in exchange for luxury gifts like designer coats and high-end dinners. The indictment

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US Funds Linked To Putin Assassination Attempt Claims Russia 1

US Funds Linked To Putin Assassination Attempt Claims Russia

In a startling development, Moscow has accused the United States of financing assassination attempts on both Russian President Vladimir Putin and former US President Donald Trump. The accusations came shortly after Ukrainian spy chief Kyrylo Budanov admitted to failed attempts on Putin’s life. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova alleged

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