These Are The 15 Most Valuable Bitcoin Addresses

Based on BitInfoCharts’ Bitcoin Rich List, the 15 most valuable Bitcoin addresses are provided, with 34xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo topping the list with 248,597 bitcoins.

These Are The 15 Most Valuable Bitcoin Addresses 1

When receiving bitcoins, a Bitcoin address is a special identification made up of 26 to 62 alphanumeric characters.

On the Bitcoin network, these addresses operate as the transaction’s destination, guaranteeing that money is transferred to the right person.

The BitInfoCharts Bitcoin Rich List is used to rank the top 15 Bitcoin addresses globally as of May 2024. This graph was provided by Marcus Lu of Visual Capitalist.

These Are The 15 Most Valuable Bitcoin Addresses 2

How Bitcoin Works

Bitcoin is regarded as the most valuable digital currency in the world.

A cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is backed by an underlying blockchain, in contrast to fiat currencies like the US dollar, which are backed by central banks. Every Bitcoin transaction is tracked by this blockchain in a distributed, public, and decentralized ledger.

A digital transaction record needs to be verified and updated to the blockchain each time bitcoins are spent. In the process of earning bitcoins as payment, miners validate and audit Bitcoin transactions.


The world’s most popular Bitcoin address, according to BitInfoCharts, was created in October 2018 and had a balance of 0.1 BTC, or $660 at the time.

Its value has since seen numerous extreme fluctuations, peaking at 180,000 BTC ($1.7B) in November 2019 and plunging to 1,370 BTC ($9.4M) in April 2020.

This address started to accumulate bitcoins quickly in late 2020 and reached 300,000 BTC ($10.3B) in July 2021.

Its Bitcoin balance hasn’t changed since January 2023 and is currently at 248,597 BTC.

GreatGameIndia recently reported that Argentina’s YPF Luz is collaborating with Genesis Digital Assets to mine Bitcoin using natural gas from oil fields, turning stranded energy into a resource.

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