
Pathankot Attack & The International Drug Trade

UPDATE: After we reported on how the ‪#‎PathankotAttack‬ was not just another usual terror incident but related to the International ‪#‎DrugMafia‬ stretching from Afghanistan via Pakistan to India from where it is shipped off to Dubai and Europe, today almost every mainstream media has picked up on it. Not only the

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CIA Used Macau Casino To Trap Chinese Bureaucrats

A discreet consulting exercise in Macao, Hong Kong and Beijing by a private investigator in 2010 uncovered that US intelligence may have used Macau casinos owned by an American tycoon to set a trap for Chinese functionaries who gamble with public money, in order to blackmail and recruit them. This

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Taiwan Intelligence SARS Chinese Bioweapon

Taiwan Intelligence: SARS – A Chinese Bioweapon

Taiwan’s top national security chief was forced to apologise after suggesting the deadly SARS virus could have been developed in Chinese laboratories as a bio-weapon. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the exclusive interview of Bioweapons Expert Dr.

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China secretly shipping arms to Cuba

China Secretly Shipping Arms To Cuba

China is secretly shipping arms and explosives to Cuba in a sign of increased military cooperation between Beijing and Havana, The Washington Times has learned. At least three arms shipments were traced from China to the Cuban port of Mariel over the past several months. All the arms were aboard

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