
Chinese Biowarfare Agents at Harvard University Caught Smuggling Viruses

Chinese Biowarfare Agents At Harvard University Caught Smuggling Viruses

After GreatGameIndia reported on the investigation on Chinese agents involved in a Biological Espionage case at a Canadian lab suspected to be behind the recent Coronavirus outbreak, now another Chinese Biowarfare agents at Harvard  University have been caught smuggling deadly viruses from America. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From

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China's War for Biological Dominance

Weaponizing Biotech – China’s War for Biological Dominance

Under Beijing’s civil-military fusion strategy, the PLA is sponsoring research on gene editing, human performance enhancement, and more in preparation for a New Domain of Warfare – a part of China’s War for Biological Dominance. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret

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China's Biological Warfare Program

Rise Of China’s Biological Warfare Program

China’s Biological Warfare Program is believed to be in an advanced stage that includes research and development, production and weaponization capabilities. Its current inventory is believed to include the full range of traditional chemical and biological agents with a wide variety of delivery systems including artillery rockets, aerial bombs, sprayers,

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How Chinese Dams are causing Droughts in Asia

How Chinese Dams Are Causing Droughts In Asia

Ever since China erected a cascade of giant dams on the Mekong, droughts have become more frequent and intense in the downriver countries like India. Although China has promised to release more dam water for the drought-stricken countries, this offer only highlights their newfound reliance on Chinese goodwill — a

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Chinese Bankers drag Anil Ambani to London Court

Chinese Bankers Drag Anil Ambani To London Court

Three Chinese banks are suing Anil Ambani in a London court for failing to pay back $680 million in defaulted loans. Chinese Bankers drag Anil Ambani to London Court The Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China agreed to loan $925.2

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Nepal rejects new Indian map over Kalapani territory

Nepal Rejects New Indian Map Over Kalapani Territory

The Government of India released a new political map of India after two new Union Territories – Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh came into existence on October 31, 2019. Nepal has rejected this new Indian map over Kalapani territory disputed since the treaty signed between British East India Company and Nepal.

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India loses $7 Billion WTO case against US

India Loses $7 Billion WTO Case Against US

India has lost a $7 billion WTO case against US.  Meanwhile China has won its case with the WTO now allowing the Chinese to impose a $3.6 billion sanction on American goods. The verdict comes days after India and US officially suspended defense cooperation in what is now giving rise

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