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Our long reads dig deep into tales that span years or centuries, revealing layers of history and context actively suppressed by mainstream media. Through our exploration of complex issues and strong arguments, we encourage readers to discover hidden truths and question the stories we think we know.


China’s Fentanyl War Against The US 1

China’s Fentanyl War Against The US

The United States is facing a serious problem with fentanyl and other dangerous synthetic drugs. Experts believe that if the government wants to tackle this crisis, it needs to step up its efforts against every part of the drug trade, from manufacturing to distribution. Unfortunately, as time goes by, the

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From 1000 To Just 20: The Alarming Collapse Of US Shipyards 1

From 1000 To Just 20: The Alarming Collapse Of US Shipyards

At the end of World War II, the United States had nearly 1,000 shipyards building and maintaining vessels for both military and commercial use. But now, according to US Congressman Michael Waltz, that number has dropped to just about 20. This sharp decline has raised alarms about the state of

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China Just Fired Its First ICBM Into The Pacific In 40 Years 1

China Just Fired Its First ICBM Into The Pacific In 40 Years

For the first time in over 40 years, China has launched a powerful intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) into the Pacific Ocean. This type of missile can travel thousands of miles, capable of reaching far-off countries, and the move has caught the world’s attention—especially the United States and its allies. Though

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