as censured by

truth seekers
vigilant guardians
shadow operatives
rogue scholars
inquisitive minds
unconventional thinkers
brave + resolute

fiercely refuse
to accept
the world
at its

If you are one of these individuals
If you feel the call to transcend the ordinary
and embrace the extraordinary
We offer you the choice to awaken
to see the world as it truly is.


You've been living in a

Dream World

Do you feel that your perception of reality is your greatest weapon?

And your most profound vulnerability?

A carefully constructed reality designed to shield you from the truth

But only visible to the initiated?

In this digital age, information flows like a river, yet most remain oblivious to the

chains that bind their minds...

You scroll through endless feeds, unaware that every click, every scroll, reinforces the walls of your prison. 

The truth has been obscured, veiled behind a curtain of algorithms and curated content.

You are not merely consumers of news, but prisoners trapped within the confines of the Matrix.

You’re not mere readers, but potential liberators of your own consciousness.

You feel the weight of the algorithms

pressing down upon your consciousness, guiding your every click and scroll.

You feel the architects of social media dictate the narrative and seek to control your thoughts.

You cringe when you watch those mainstream news channels.

You’ve noticed they start rambling when you show them the truth.

You are afraid of coming off as a tin-foil hatter and your loved ones judging you.

You don’t want people to tell you that you’re wasting your time.

You feel that resistance is futile, that you are but a cog in the machine.

18 Responses

    1. I think the dems and vaccine mafia did this. GGI was exposing how Biden was injured from the vaccine. Just see the recent articles.

  1. I have been a long-time reader of GreatGameIndia. Top-notch articles. Hate to see it go down like this.

  2. GGI is India’s best investigative site. We rely on it for the hidden, unvarnished truth. Pls come back.

    1. GGI publishes stuff that even alternate media does not. They were the first to expose covid scam.

    1. I was thinking same… they were uncovering suppressed Indian history in recent articles where balaram temple was found in middle east desert… Illuminati don’t want this information to reach indians…

  3. Oh come…GGI was one of the few things online that justified my internet bill…. this is shocking and also absolutely out of the blue to have a media out being cancelled or banned like this… please let your viewers / readers know if we can give some type of consent or sign some where to let GGI be back again…Thank you all were doing a great job and helped me to get insight of many geo politics issues and stories. Hope you all are back online soon and this censorship is removed.

  4. How can anyone help if we do not know what is happening to GGI? Why keep us in the dark? Explain exactly what is happening.

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