EU States Discuss Sanctions Against Israel Over Non-Compliance With ICJ Ruling

EU foreign ministers are seriously considering sanctions against Israel if it defies the ICJ’s order to halt its military operation in Rafah, according to Irish Foreign Minister Micheal Martin, following recent attacks in the area.

EU States Discuss Sanctions Against Israel Over Non-Compliance With ICJ Ruling 1

According to Irish Foreign Minister Micheal Martin, EU foreign ministers have for the first time given serious consideration to the prospect of applying penalties against Israel should the Jewish state refuse to abide by the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) decision to halt the military operation in Rafah.

The ICJ gave Israel the order to stop its military operation in Rafah on Friday. According to ICJ President Nawaf Salam, Israel has to guarantee humanitarian aid and unhindered entry to the enclave for the missions looking into the claims of genocide.

“For the first time at an EU meeting in a real way I’ve seen a significant discussion on sanctions,” Martin told reporters on Monday after the EU Foreign Affairs Council.

Although there isn’t agreement on the matter, he continued, some are saying that if Israel disobeys the ICJ’s decisions, a sanctions-based strategy is necessary.

Israel attacked the camp on Sunday, northeast of Rafah. According to the Palestinian Civil Defense Service, the incident resulted in at least 40 deaths and numerous injuries. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the bombing of the refugee camp as a “tragic incident” earlier on Monday and stated that an investigation is currently under progress.

UN Slams Israeli Attack on Rafah Camp for Displaced

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres denounced Israel’s raid on a camp for internally displaced people in Rafah, Gaza.

“I condemn Israel’s actions which killed scores of innocent civilians who were only seeking shelter from this deadly conflict,” Guterres said on X on Monday.

“There is no safe place in Gaza,” he continued, demanding an end to “this horror.”

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that Josep Borrell, the head of EU foreign policy, stated that EU members will have to arrest Netanyahu after the ICC warrant, as all EU countries, except Turkey and Ukraine, are bound by the Rome Statute.

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  1. Yes, I’ve heard the Foreign Nazis of Nazi EU
    are going to fine their relatives in “israel”
    FIVE EUROS for the war crimes they’ve committed! 😁

    • yep- the jew paid actors of the eu are reading from their kazarian scripts , pretending to be mad at their paymasters , just to keep the brainwashed european sheep happy – and just look at the brainwashed sheep of europe , up in arms for another country in a different continent , and say NOTHING as they themselves are being invaded and replaced – wait till the dollar collapses next march – cant wait to see what they will all be complaining for when they have no food

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