The Age of Drones

The Age of Drones

While researching my piece, The Truth about Luciferase, I came across a patent that blew my mind and I absolutely had to write about it.
Reports of WhatsApp being made to spy on users have surfaced as of late. The operation was put into motion by an US governmental agency for spying on activities pertaining to importation of opioids from China.
According to reports by Politico and Bloomberg, Amazon illegally harvested kids' data via Alexa-powered 'smart' speakers.
Implanted chips are going to be promoted as a fashionable status symbol by mainstream society and influencers. This is how the WEF wants to microchip your kids.
As the author of Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, I guess I should not be surprised to find myself squarely in the digital gulag—banished, perhaps permanently, from Twitter and Facebook. Twitter permanently suspended my account several weeks ago, mere days before Elon Musk took over the helm.
Australia’s federal and state politicians and bureaucracies have revealed beyond any reasonable doubt that they are willing to attack citizens’ rights when it suits their purposes. Australia’s new digital identity system would give tyrannical politicians total control.
The Pentagon documents leak has been traced to users arguing over the war in Ukraine in closed video game chat groups hosted by Discord.
In a society where anyone can now be terminated from their job and lose their income for an inadvertent comment on social media, what might happen if the same kind of penalties were applied to domestic debates? This is the reality of working from home which now means letting corporate surveillance into your daily life.
In the Obama-Biden administration in 2013, after Trump’s election, the US government legalised "neurological surveillance."
According to Kara Frederick, a former Facebook intel analyst and a research associate at the conservative Heritage Foundation, Big Tech corporations seem to be doing the government's bidding in creating a China like Social Credit System u  US, and Americans must notice this and act quickly.