Biden Suffered Near-Fatal Brain Aneurysm, Priest Came To Deliver Last Rites

In 1988, US President Joe Biden suffered a near-fatal brain aneurysm, necessitating last rites from a priest. Later that year, he faced a second aneurysm.

Biden Suffered Near-Fatal Brain Aneurysm, Priest Came To Deliver Last Rites 1

In February 1988, a life-threatening aneurysm that had been mistakenly classified as a pinched nerve struck Joe Biden, now 81 years old. Doctors found a worrisome distortion of a blood artery after the patient had to take up to ten Tylenol a day to get some pain relief. That vessel would have most likely been fatal if it had burst.

To treat the illness and prevent its potentially fatal effects, Biden had emergency surgery. A blood vessel that has warped, often appearing as a bulge or bubble, is called an aneurysm. Aneurysms have the potential to burst after filling with blood. Aneurysms are deadly in around 50% of instances when they rupture. Two-thirds of survivors will experience long-term brain impairment.

A Catholic priest was summoned in to administer Last Rites to Biden since his condition was so bad, which resulted from both the misdiagnosis and the Delaware Democrat’s failure to seek emergency medical assistance even after the pain in his neck grew excruciating. As stated by The Washington Post:

…Jill Biden, who had been ordered to stay out of the room, burst in, yelling at him to leave. “You’re not giving him the last rites. He’s not going to die,” she said, according to an account by Biden’s sister, Valerie.

But ultimately, a risky surgery performed by the doctors saved Biden’s life.

Biden experienced a pulmonary embolism while recuperating. This can be a potentially lethal illness characterized by a sudden obstruction of the arteries supplying blood to the lungs. After the first aneurysm was discovered in February 1988, a second one was discovered in May of the same year, necessitating surgery for Biden once more.

Aneurysms may develop gradually in a patient and may be hereditary. Given his 81-year-old age and history of aneurysms, there may be more reason to be concerned about Biden’s meticulously monitored health.

In a recent article by GreatGameIndia, we reported on Joe Biden’s repeated mistake, where he claimed that former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl accompanied him on his first international tour as US President, despite Kohl’s death in 2017. This highlights a concerning deterioration in Biden’s memory of recent events, suggesting a decline in his health.

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